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Melissa Cate Christ, Henry Tung and Susanne Trumpf are teaching the Capstone Research for Environment and Interior Design (BA) at the School of Design/Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. Read a short introduction on the course brief below and find more information about PolyU School of Design on their website.

The Capstone Research Course provides theoretic foundation for the later bachelor thesis projects. It aims to strengthen and develop the research focus and conceptual basis for humanistic centered design that characterizes the Environment and Interior Design teaching approach. Students get equipped with the ability to research, organize and develop their ideas and further come up with conceptually strong and innovative design solutions. The research topics are investigated through field work, observation, interviews, mappings, diagrams, physical and material investigation, behaviour and usage research, archival research and case study research.

Keywords related to urban phenomena in Hong Kong provide a context and framework to develop, investigate and structure the own research of the students and are the base to find pertinent and relevant topics and pose critical questions.

The students use and apply analytic thinking, learn documentation and presentation techniques and present key evaluations, findings, outcomes, conclusions and responses to the research.

image: analytical elevation Hongs in Hong Kong, sketch by Lee Ching Veronica